3 November 2009

French frog and other cliches

So. I know I'm not posting as often as I should, but here is one for the road I just did tonight. I am always quite amused by the cliches about us little frenchies...
I've been up to a couple of things recently but am awaiting approval and print before I can show anything.
Tomorrow or in a couple of days, I should be able to post the work I did on NFS Nitro... Yay!



alex dron said...

magnifique (sp?)

SHOo said...

correct spelling! I'm impressed with your French, Monsieur Grubby.

The ComicBook Factory said...

Mais où sont les escargots, vous les gens aiment manger?

SHOo said...

Hahaha Karl! Yeah I guess I forgot the snails....